Multitasking doesn’t work: Why focus isn’t just hocus-pocus.

Earl Miller answers questions about the why and why bad of multitasking. (1/27/16)

NBC’s The TODAY show: This is your brain on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram other digital platforms (1/27/16)

Earl Miller is scheduled to discuss the myth of multitasking on NBC’s TODAY show tomorrow morning (1/27/16).  Tune in (but only if it is not a distraction).

Earl Miller is quoted in a Time article about the dangers of multitasking:

You Asked: Are My Devices Messing With My Brain?  Time (May 13, 2015)

““Every time you switch your focus from one thing to another, there’s something called a switch-cost,” says Dr. Earl Miller, a professor of neuroscience at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Your brain stumbles a bit, and it requires time to get back to where it was before it was distracted.”  ““You’re not able to think as deeply on something when you’re being distracted every few minutes,” Miller adds. “And thinking deeply is where real insights come from.”

Radio New Zealand:  Interview with Professor Earl Miller about Multi-tasking and technology

Originally aired on Afternoons, Tuesday 20 January 2015

Getting back into work routines, after a holiday break, is something many of us will already have come to grips with in recent weeks. And these routines seem to get busier all the time, as modern technology allows us to perform more and more tasks ourselves, quickly, on our tablets and smart phones. But at what cost? MIT neuroscientist Professor Earl Miller is an expert on divided attention. He argues our addiction to technology is actually making us less efficient.

“Linked” is the operative term here.  Earl Miller is quoted in a New York Magazine article about a study that finds less gray matter in people who multitask more.  Earl points out that the study does not necessarily mean that multitasking decreases brain matter.  It could be that people with less gray matter are more impulsive and thus more prone to multitasking.

Tweeting While Watching TV Linked to Fewer Brain Cells

Huffington Post article about the evils of multitasking.
You’re Not Busy, You Just Think You Are: 7 Ways To Find More Time  The Huffington Post UK | By Georgia James Posted: 13/06/2014 15:00 BST
(with quotes from Earl Miller)