Andres Salazar-Gomez



PhD student, Computational Neuroscience, Boston University.

Bachelor of Science, Biomedical Engineering – EIA-CES.


I am a visiting student at the Miller lab where, in collaboration with Scott Brincat, we are developing high performance invasive brain-machine interfaces (currently an eye movement-based BMI). One of the main goals of this project is to use the learning capabilities of the neural ensembles to improve the decoder performance in a speedy and computational efficient way.


I am currently part of the Guenther lab (Speech lab and Neural Prosthesis lab) at Boston University and have been focused on the analysis of non-invasive EEG sensorimotor rhythm signals towards better understanding the underlying signatures related to volitional movement and how these can be used for speech communication. One of my interests are the error-related potentials (ERPs) and its possible applications for decoding purposes.

Before joining the Guenther lab, I worked at the Brown lab (NeuroStat lab) on signal processing of anesthesia-related electroencephalography signals; specifically auditory steady state responses (ASSR). I performed spectral, time-domain and behavioral analysis of the stimulus responses and, simultaneously, worked with magnetic resonance images to perform source localization of the ASSR signals using realistic distributed and discrete dipole source models generated from high-resolution structural MRI.